Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Personal Brand

Coincidentally, I'd like to follow the previous post about Country Brand with this new post about Personal Brand. I guess this just shows you that brand has a universal value, likely because it seems people, just like products, organizations, countries want and/or need to be marketable, and brand is what makes it possible. Why? Because it centralizes all the ideas and actions, filters out unimportant things, making us aware of the important ones, and guiding us to our goals.

The article I'm refering to points out that Personal Brand development should concentrate on the three concepts - Dependability, Novelty, Attitude, - making up a DNA of the Personal Brand.

Dependability: "What can others -- your customers, employer, and colleagues -- depend on you for? What kind of "sure thing" are you exactly?"

Novelty: "What makes you different (or better)?"

Attitude: "This is the most nebulous part of a brand. It is more than a combination of novelty and dependability. I call it the brand's predisposition to the world. It is about the vibe a brand puts out. It's about the demeanor and flavor and orientation. Attitude is how the brand -- "you, inc." or "organization, inc." -- presents itself to the world."


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